Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A letter to you from Taylor's mom

Dear Hy and Players,

As you know, my daughter Taylor has become a permanent member of your elite group. As her parent, I wanted to take the time to thank each and every one of you for your guidance, wisdom, and most importantly, for welcoming her. It is no secret that Taylor was the kid who trained with John, but spent every moment she could watching your group play. For 12+ months, she would say "one day I'm going to be good enough to play with them". To be quite frank, I knew her determination and drive would get her there someday...I just never thought it would be this soon.

In August, Taylor made William Tennent's Varsity tennis team. Although she was good enough to play singles one, Taylor opted to stay at singles two. She had no experience competing, and with her playing on a travel softball team, she was never able to be consistent with tennis. It was a mature decision on her part, and she ended up having a great season despite those hurdles.

Immediately after her last match, Taylor's school coach brought in a college sophomore for her to play. Considering this girl plays tennis all day, every day, I wasn't sure how Taylor would fare. It ended up being a 57 minute match with a score of 6-2/6-3.

Taylor went in as the underdog, and came out the winner.

After that match, I knew we were on to something bigger than I originally thought...I had an athlete who could play, and now I needed a coach to bring it all together.

Having watched Hy train, seeing the loyalty each of you have for her, in addition to getting to know her on a personal level, I knew in my heart, she was the perfect match for my daughter.

To be quite frank, I wasn't sure if Taylor would sink or swim. I also had concerns about bringing a 14 year old into a group of seasoned, adult players.

Taylor on the other hand...well, she waited 12+ months for this chance, and for her, there was no going back.

Needless to say, it seemed I was the only one who was nervous lol. In the 4 weeks she has played, I have seen a new player emerge. As someone who observes a lot, it is quite amazing to see a kid who finished dead last her first week of Friday Night Fights to winning it in week three. Although I am thrilled with her performance, I think it's important to note, Taylor is truly happy and comfortable in her new surroundings.

As her parent, I want to say thank you to each and every one of you. From the very beginning, each of you welcomed her. To Taylor, that meant more than you will ever know. As her parent, I am truly appreciative and humbled by your kindness.

I don't think words will ever be able to describe my gratitude. I am grateful to each and every one of you, not just for your kindness, but for being excellent mentors to Taylor. With society being the way it is, I find it more important now than ever to have good role models for your children. Some are lucky to have one, maybe two. My daughter has a team, and we are very blessed to have each of you in our lives.

Thank you for making this such a positive and wonderful experience!

Tina Weidman ~Taylor's Mom

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