Monday, December 31, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaderboard for 12/28/2018

A night of 5's and 7's

Dave WINs it BIG after an 8 hour drive
And my top 6 remains the same again this week

Annette made the biggest climb from 16 to 10

Happy New Year to you all
See you in 2019

Thursday, December 27, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaderboard 12/21/18

A strange night of 7's with Aaron P winning again
Anne Maxwell made the biggest climb from 27 to 19

And my top 7 remains the same
See you all tomorrow!!

Monday, December 17, 2018

#FridayNightFights leaderboard for 12/14

A crazy night with a few LOVE sets
And Aaron pulls another WIN even with 2 amazing juniors in the ring for one round

Steve was supposed to win.
Don't know what happened
He was one point short
And it was nice to have Jamal back in the ring

Dave Sinkway is quietly climbing UP the ladder

See you all at the #SantaFights

Monday, December 10, 2018

#FridayNightFights leaders for 12/7

Ross holds on and pulls away from the pack

Will Kirk makes the biggest climb from 25 to 15
(lets hear it for our senior fighters)

I think Steve will win next
(there is some cra system going on)

#FridayNightFights Leaders for Nov 30

Steve WINs Round 8

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaderboard for 11/16

What a night to fight for The Turkey
Kenn WINs it with 29 points
And made the biggest climb from 15 to 7

Welcome New fighters Lori and Ashish
Also welcome back Wanda and Ron, first time this season!

Jeffrey and Kenn jumped to a 9-0 first round and so did Ross and Ian
The night was filled with a few 8-1 scores as well

Good tennis all night
Can't wait for this Friday

Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgivivng
See you all on Friday

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaders for 11/9

AaronP WINS it by one point edging out Kenn
Nice to have Kenn in the ring

What a crazy night with the schedule. I used 3 different ones
AaronB was stuck in traffic from Boston
Angela, was also in traffic
And I had Gavin on my list when he did not sign up....Senior moments suck!

I played a few games awaitng a replacement....yeah, Angela
Some really good tennis though.
I could not return Kenn's BIG serves with nasty spin very well

Aaron made it by 8:30 and I went in for Gavin
Fun tennis in tennis clothes

See you on Friday as we fight to save the Turkey

Thursday, November 8, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaderboard for 11/2

Ian WINs it
Tied with Ross at 24, each had to choose a partner from the crowd to play a one game tie breaker
Ross had to default...Time sensitive event was pending

Ian won it the last time he fought too.
AND he could not find his FightForFree ticket in his racket bag

Jeffrey holds on to the top rung by his fingernails
Ross is climbing
Lauryn is in 3rd

2 new fighters joined us. Aaron in from Boston and Mark
Welcome to you both

Lauryn and Marianne had a very tough 1st round
And Byron and Marianne had an equally tough 4th round

We missed Jamal and Steve who did not fight this week

See you all tomorrow

Monday, October 29, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaders 10/26

Jeffrey WINS #FrightNight
Will was leading by 3 heading into the 4th round againt Jeffrey to a 6-3 defeat

Marianne is back and Cheryl is too
Nice to see you both in the mix

Lauryn took the night off for a community service event and fell 5 rungs on the ladder from #1 to #6
which puts Jeffrey at #1 with Ross on his heels
I think Lauryn can climb back up

See you all on November 2
We are fighting for the #Right2Vote
Text me: #Fight2Vote if you want a spot

Monday, October 22, 2018

#FridayNightFights leaders 10/19/18

Hy WINs with 28 points but since she cannot really win, Lauryn is the real winner with 24 points
Her first win at The Fights...
And the #1 spot this week ....Congratulations, Lauryn

Steve makes the biggest climb from #6 to #2
Can Lauryn hold that #1 spot and box out Ross and Jeffrey to win the 2018-2019 Indoor Season?
only time will tell

Another good night of competition.
Jeans and chucks not withstanding
A crazy night though
I wanted to play but had full courts so as always, I dressed in street clothes
7:30 rolls around and 1 player has not arrived.
Steve text him
I text him
"oh, I thought I signed up for next week"....Aarrrrgggh
And I have to play in jeans, chucks and a borrowed racket from the wall of frames

No knee protection and a Wilson racket of death to my arm

That said, 1st round was such good tennis
Still grumpy, Lauryn and I won 7-2 against Angela and Byron
WELCOME to the Fights, Angela
Jamal amd Steve took the first round 6-3 against Ross and Jeffrey

See you all on Friday
The 26th (written with Sarcasm)
Text me: #FrightNight if you want a spot

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaders 10/5/18

Welcome Back Fighters

Ross won the indoor season 2017-2018 and returned to capture Round ONE

Byron paired with Tim had the win on his racket going into round 4 and was denied by Jeffrey and Dave

So nice to have the crew back together again.
We had a good Summer Fights Season outside at Mill Creek Tennis

Thank you to all players who found that hidden gem of a club past the blue dumpster, through the small gate and fought to win some cash

See you all next week

Friday, June 8, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaderboard for April 20th

Ross WINs INDOOR fights

Sunday, April 15, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaderboard for 4/13/18

New fighter Craig WINs his first fight
He started out the night with a 9-0, then paired it with another 9-0 in round 2
Jamal was NOT happy

Ross and Jeffrey are in a battle for first
And Lauren is on their heels

Wanda and Marianne came back to fight again
Both trying to get up to the first page of the leaderboard

See you all on 420

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaderboard for April 6

Jamal WINs it BIG

First round, 5-4 on both courts
Second Round, 6-3 on both courts
Third Round, a little more volatile
Fourth Round, Jamal pulls a 9-0 against Annette and Ross

UNBELIEVABLE play by J with his new WMD (Weapon of Match Destruction)

See you all on Friday 13th

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

#FridayNightFights leaders for 3.23.18

Steve WINs it
JoeK made the biggest climb up the ladder from 16 to 10

And Aaron, Megan, and Larry came back to compete
The competition was fierce
Jeffrey and Joe vs Aaron and Steve was INSANE tennis
Fun to watch from the viewing deck

There was a BIG partner mix up in round 1 and it got right in round 4..(PHEW)

Have a Good Friday if I don't see you

Thursday, March 22, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaders for 3/16/18

Tim Woz WINs it again with 26 points
He said he would moments before heading out to round
AND he made the biggest climb up the ladder from 29 to 18

Tim started out the night scoring 8 partnered with Joe against Colleen and Lauryn
YIKES was all I could say from my viewing perch

Joe placed 2nd for the night...
Ron 3rd
Lauryn 4th

A very good crew of fighters

See you all on Friday

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaders for 3/9/18

Joe Moss WINs it BIG with 28 points
Making the biggest climb from 29 to 16
Biggest climb of anyone all season
And I forgot to give him his golden ticket, yacking with a parent. Sorry Joe!

Welcome back, Maritza and Annette


Monday, February 26, 2018

#FridayNightFights leaders for 2/23/18

Curtis WINs it with 25 points
He edged Kenn, our new fighter by 3 points
And Ross holds firmly to the top rung

Another small but savage group of fighters
I had a ring side seat for Kenn and Jeffrey vs Curtis and Will
Jeffrey took a smash square in the Jewelry box and still made a winning shot

Curtis and Kenn were leading the pack going into the 4th round
Curtis playing with Lauryn finished 6-3 and Kenn playing with Jamal finished 4-5

Not much movement on the ladder this week
Everyone pretty much stays in their positions
New fighter Kenn snuck into the #30 spot

See you all on Friday!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaders for 2/16/18

Ross WINs it beating Joe by 2 points
Joe made the biggest climb from 21 to 12
Must be those bomb serves he throws

Kyle had 3 rough rounds but pulled out a good 4th
Colleen had a rough 3rd and 4th rounds
and Lauren had a rough 1st and 4th rounds
You never know how it will go on any given Friday

Welcome new fighter Claire, sister to Curtis and daughter to Joanne
Honored to have the whole family fighting

And I should pay more attention to my math instead of chatting up the spectators
Jeffrey caught another math mistake...Ageing SUCKs (just sayin')

Thank you for coming out on the start of Presidents Weekend

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaders for 2/9/18

New comer Tim WINs his first fight
Nicks James by one point

Another small crowd with savage competition

Tim and Jeffrey started the first round with an 8-1 beating of Jamal and Taylor Ross and Lauryn beat new fighter Dan 5-4 in the first round as well

In the 3rd round Tim and James knocked out Ross and Taylor, 9-0 Very exciting for us watching from the viewing deck

Sunday, February 4, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaderboard for 2/2/18

Ross WINs and climbs up to the #1 position
Tied with Joe Moss they each picked a partner from the crowd to play a one game tie breaker
He chose James and Joe chose Dave

We had 2 new fighters. Joe, in from India and Kyle, in from South Philly

First round, Joe and Dave played against Colleen and me.
Joe serving his BOMBS first scared the %$#T out of us.
We persevered and #BrokeThatServe
And lost the set 6-3

Nice to have Dave back in the mix too!
And he makes the biggest climb (9 rungs) from 26 to 17

Small crowd fighting but the competition was fierce


#EaglesCountry #GoBirds #FlyEaglesFly #Eagles #EaglesNation #Philly #Philadelphia #BleedGreen #PhiladelphiaEagles

Sunday, January 28, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaderboard for 1/26/18

Ian playing for the first time WINS it with 32 points
Also new to the fights is Dave ending the night with 22 points

The top 6 fighters remain firmly on their rung
Biggest climber is Gavin from 25 to 18

Another good night to be on the viewing deck eating Chinese food and watching tennis
Beats the Australian Open

Monday, January 22, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaderboard for 1/19/2018

James WINs again. He is the man to beat now. Aaron where are you?

Gavin got cleared to play on January 19th and joined us after a bad accident side lined him..Welcome back!
Jamal is back as well. Last time he fought was Thanksgiving...
Maritza is back too and thought she was on the wrong court. Some monsters were her opponent.

Big Joe is always welcome..He came in last round for Joanne after her son Curtis nailed her with a return up the line
Not sure how he got

See you on Friday!

Monday, January 15, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaderboard for 1/12/18

James WINs his first Fight...Congratulations

Bill returns to the fights after a very long haitus

And Joanne makes the biggest climb from 29 to 20

Sunday, January 7, 2018

#FridayNightFights Leaderboard for 1/5/18

Jeffery WINS the first fights of 2018
WINNER, 3rd time in a row

It was a brutally cold night to leave your warm homes and I thank you for coming out

And this is how the night went down

I was in the mix for 5 games with Taylor against Colleen and Megan until Lauryn arrived a little late to take my place
Annette stuck in traffic for a bit, returned to play and climbed from #21 to #14

James, Abington's Tennis Coach leaving Gold Cup said yes to filling my 12th spot and played for the first time. His serves are bombs
I was looking for dents in the court

Marianne chasing a backhand down, did not slide and took a spill into the har-tru that looked like slow motion from the viewing deck Brusied and shaken, she cleaned up her scratches and went back out to compete

Cold temps won't stop us
Traffic won't stop us
NOTHING will stop us