Sunday, July 25, 2010

Getting ready for Camp ACE

Brief Description Camp A.C.E.

(Achieving through Coaching and Education) provides players a week of daily tennis instruction, college admissions counseling, and community activities, geared to helping students continue success after graduation.

***Former ATP player Rodney Harmon, former WTA player Chanda Rubin and former US National and ITF ranked player Hyacinth Yorke will be on court coaches during the Camp.
Camp Features:
• Parent/Student/Coaches Orientation
• Daily Tennis Instruction with Experienced Tennis Professionals
• Fitness/Nutrition/College Prep/Admissions
• Counseling/Etiquette/Financial Literacy/Diversity/Government/Career Counseling
• College Tour
• Swimming
• Community Activities
• Fitness! Fun! New Friends!  

Participant Eligibility:
• Players must be between 14 – 17 years of age (freshman-senior in high school, entering the 9th through 12th grade.)

•Players must have a USTA Membership valid through 1/1/2011.

• Players should be intermediate to advanced playing ability. Sorry! No beginners.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Mary Beth and Michelle were denied their Gold Ball.

In three sets, Mary and Trish won. Very nice match to watch. Hy quality tennis.

Now, Mar and Susan play in the 45's doubles final against Mary and Erica Smith.

post script

I am watching the 35's doubles finals.

3 of the 4 players were at dinner with me last night.

Mary Beth Williams and Michelle King vs Mary Daily and Trish Riddell.

Mary Beth was on my Sears Cup team and not carbo loading with us.She is trying to win her very first Gold ball.

When you win a National Championship, you get a Gold ball as your trophy.

I hope she does it.

Pre finals dinner with the girls

Pre finals dinner last night, at Bella Tratoria on Main Street, Manayunk.

Marianna and Susan in the finals of 45's doubles today

Mary Daily and Trish Riddell in the finals of 35"s doubles today.

Mary is in the finals of the 45's doubles as well.

They are all carbo loading.
I am having a salad.

Jane Norman is dining with us as well. Jane, we have all known for 15 plus years. She houses players and is court side for practically match.

And she had the best and cheapest parking in Manayunk...right in front of the restaurant....the loading zone....

I said, 'Jane, don't worry. We will keep a lookout for the meter man'....he never walked by.

I live here and had to pay $10 to park near Pottery Barn. Drats.

** 3 more diners showed up to join us. 9

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pre finals dinner with the girls

#1 seed fell today

The #1 seed at the USTA Grass Nationals lost today to Beth Paulin.

Beth is a member of Germantown Cricket Club and a grass court specialist.

Mar was pretty upset when I got a call at 4:15pm today.

I immediately drove to the club to listen and console my friend. Thank God I had the time. No lessons were pending.
She vented and I listened.
Not a good day for her. And Beth played well. Mar beat Beth last year in the first round in this tourney.

As we sat together watching the 35's doubles thrilla, several texts and phone calls came in to console her.

Everyone was online getting the results and "phoning a friend"

Mar is out there playing semifinal doubles with Susan Wright. They are up 5-2 in the first set.

The grass is soft due to the torrential rains of the last few days and there is "no bounce" on it today.

I am sitting and watching and coaching in my head.

Strange that I feel no sadness about not playing this year as I watch. I am scouting my opponents for next year.

I want to win the 35's one more time. Make it 7 and I will be happy.

My neck issue.
My hip issue.

These two issues I must fix before I can "win" 7 matches in a row. And get my historical 7 USTA Grass National wins.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Marianna Hollman

Yes, "the" Marianna Hollman.
Coach of Salem College in North Carolina.
World Singles Champion 2009
World Doubles Champion 2010
And a multitude of Gold Balls and other championships in the USA.

Mar and I have been fierce competitors over the years.

Back in '94, '95, '96 we would meet in the quarters or semi's of the USTA Grass Nationals and the battle royal would start.

We have become really good friends through it all.

Played a few doubles tournaments together and even have a Gold Ball together.

Yesterday, we practiced for 2 1/2 hours in the Stadium @ Ashe. We worked on a few shots selections and patterns and responses for grass.

I am not playing this tournament this year. Work has me bogged down. Mar is seeded #1 in the 45's and I would like to see her win this.

Today, I am @ GCC to watch her play doubles with Susan Wright. Yes "the" Susan Wright. Google her. They are winning. Then Mar and I will practice on the grass.

I cannot wait.

As you know, grass is my favorite surface.

The weather is great. And I am ready.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Venus Williams

Yes, "the" Venus Williams.

I got to play her 4 points yesterday.

I started my day empting my Jeep of 2 beach chairs, and ALL the stuff I usually have "at the ready" in my Jeep.

As I bent my knees to lay the chairs down.....both obliques cramped up on me.

There I was behind my Jeep unable to move with NO ONE around to help me.

My breathing was compromised and I started to sort out how I can get out of this position. I totally went into work the point to win mode.

It hurt so much.
I have had sprained ankles.
I have had muscle when I played Jana Novotna in the finals of the Grass Nationals. I have had massive headaches and got through them all. So, this too, I would get through, I was thinking all in a nano second.

I don't know how long it took to get the chairs up and stored away then get back in the Jeep to get to Manhattan Bagel for coffee then to Camp. But I did it.

Turning to look back as I backed up the Jeep was so painful. And I did not want to cramp up again. The feeling was lingering. At any time I could.

I got to Camp at Philadelphia U knowing that I will not be at 100% but still able to teach/coach.

I emptied the Jeep so I can lug kids and bags down to Ashe Tennis Center for the kids to see Venus and be a part of the festivities.

Throughout the day I had a series of cramp alerts. Downing Pedialite and water and hoping that I will get to hit with Venus.

I sent a text to Lance Lee that my cramping will not allow my hit with her. He was not happy. Maybe Kristin Harris can step in for me. Kristin was on my court as a kid. Now, mother of 2 and coaching by my side, she can certainly step into my sneakers.

At lunch, I bought a small bottle of water and emptied a salt shaker into it, trying to make sea water. It has helped me with cramping in the past. All the kids think it's wierd but no matter. I have all kinds of "tricks" for survival.

John Green, who coaches with us was at lunch with us and suggested Aleve. John,I don't take drugs. Try it, he replies. John, I don't have Aleve on me. Let's get some from the school store.
I was forced to take 2 Aleve.

I have to say, in about an hour, my obliques relaxed and I was hitting in the Stadium with the kids, testing my body. IT WORKED.

Lance got a text from me that "I am ready for Venus"

The Center's stadiium was packed. The area around the court was packed in with kids from every tennis court in Philadelphia. The press was packed in. We were all waiting for her.

When Venus arrived she was surrounded by a sea of tennis kids. And she towered over them. So tall and graceful.
Wearing my fav

Press shots and intro by Kenny Holdsman our President and Lance our Director, the hitting got on the way.

Tess was first. She hit beautifully with her.

Nadiyah hit some sweet topspin shots to her.

Jas-Lynn was next. Jazzie wins practically every tournament she plays.

I stepped up to hit. Egging the crowd on, waving my arm and racket to get them to start screaming.....they did.

I played 4 points with her. Winning the first point, I was sure she would retaliate...I gave her the perfect opportunity to pass me...she did not. Damn. I was waiting to try to field her pass.

We played 2 more points and finished with a big hug at the net.

She was very nice at the net. Complimenting my cross court angles.

So very cool just to spar with her. Would love to spar with her on one of her training days.

Dre-Shawn banged that ball over to Venus. Nice hits.

Tauheed age 7, who is the next Federer played beautifully against her.

All the kids made us very proud.

My peers made me very proud.

Venus Williams ROCKED the house.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


It is brutally hot today.

As I write this it is 100 degrees.

This type of weather can play havoc with your mind, body and soul. Not to mention your strokes.

First you have to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

You should have been hydrating yesterday to survive well today. Down some Pedialite to replace electrolites.

Second, you have to pre-plan your every move to get your match over with as quickly as possible. A 3 set match is not what you are looking for today. 2 sets. 12 games...hydrate!!! In that order.

**Heat exhaustion symptoms**

Warning signs of heat exhaustion include:

• heavy sweating • paleness
• muscle cramps • tiredness
• weakness • dizziness
• headache • nausea or vomiting • fainting

The skin may be cool and moist. The player's pulse rate will be fast and weak, and breathing will be fast and shallow. If heat exhaustion is untreated, it may progress to heat stroke, which is a medical emergency.

Seek medical attention and call 911 immediately if:

symptoms are severe, or
the player has heart problems or high blood pressure. Otherwise, help the player to cool off, and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen or last longer than 1 hour.

**Heat exhaustion treatment**

Cooling measures that may be effective include:

• cool, non-alcoholic beverages, as directed by your physician

• rest

• cool shower, bath, or sponge bath

• an air-conditioned environment

• Lightweight clothing

**Based on a CDC Prevention Guide for Emergencies and Disasters**

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Wimbledon 2010

Congratulations Martina Navratilova winning the Ladies Invitational Doubles with Jana Novotna.

After recently ending her radiation treatment for breast cancer, Martina put one more grass win under her belt.

The next time you have a hang nail, headache, tummy ache, or it's too hot, too cold, wind is too strong, sun in your eyes, bugs in your mouth......QUIT YOUR CRYING......and think of what Martina just did under her circumstances.

Dig a little deeper and find a way to make it happen for yourself.

Happy 4th of July.

Freedom isn't free.....