Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Friday in Habana

Day 2, Friday

4:45 am

Woke in a panic.
A panic so strong I had to get up, throw on pjs and get out of my stunning, marble encrusted room with stained glass ornamentation

I started to feel completely disconnected to THE WORLD

At this time of day when UP, I would catch up on the news of the day, from my several newspaper apps or from my Facebook newsfeed.


Then my mind started to conjure up my friends, my mom...and what if scenarios because I am here in Cuba.
So close to Miami yet so far from my "life"

SO, I got up, took a few drops of Rescue and am now sitting on the veranda with fresh air washing away my fears 

I talked myself OUT of a full blown panic attack

And why not?
It is so beautiful and majestic here.

That crescent moon 
The roosters crowing, the complete stillness.

As I look left and right of my home away from home, I immediately go to ancient Rome
The homes remind me of little Roman palaces housed by the Aristocracy
The architecture is similar.

5:21 am
And I can finally pad back to my room.

A few more minutes of sleep before wake up call, breakfast and a FULL day of activities

Yesterday was so jam packed, I fell asleep on my self too many times to count.

The magnificence of Buena Vista Social Club playing for us was completely surreal
Especially at the "Rosarita hall" which was just made for their performance

Breakfast was amazing!!

And I am stealing this work of Art

First stop: The Mirimar and it is lovely
Art and marble everywhere

Next stop: The Diplomatic club
Where the ambassadors live

Our donation bags are poised and ready to empty

Just walked off court after my first HIT in Cuba with Alejandro
So Gooooood to HIT outside
September 2018 was the last time

And I was told this is the Serena of Cuba

1030 am
Darcy and I just won 4-2
Against their pro and Peter
Our first win together


We just lost 4-0 to this team
Then we were invited to play a revenge match on red clay at his home(right of picture)
The only red clay court in the country
I am IN
So is Darcy

1208 PM
We just lost 4-2 to players who told us the score which was wrong
Nuff said
I chose to be on my best behavior in the home of my guest(wink) and take the loss like a big girl
This is a cultural exchange after all, NOT Saturday morning USTA

I am on the verge of cramping. Upper and lower back...uggh
Needed help, so Euginia gave me an electrolyte tablet to sink into water
I know I brought mine but I am so brain dead, not enough sleep, I can't remember where it is
And I know I did not consume enough calories yesterday for what I have to do today

Lower back is killin
Legs are about to cramp
Left lower calf is screaming at me...that Achilles is in trouble
Having a good time though

We are here at this club and Louise and Anne are at The Miramar
And I must admit not having the ability to call them or text them about their day is giving me pause about how far we have come with communication
And how dependent we are on it


We just won 7-3 in the tie breaker for 3rd place
A fun match with lots of banter and trash talk/gestures even with the language barrier
It felt like #FridayNightFights: Sunny, day version

I cannot move
Left Achilles is done..
Like done.
Put a fork in it
If I don't recover tomorrow...NO singles

A few of us walked to the beach
Well more like I dragged my left leg there because I had FOMO
The Achilles is done


Got home for a "Super Model" bath and to throw on tour clothes...4 minutes!
Then off to tour in a 1950's convertible car.
What FUN!!!
You MUST do this

Hotel de National

Cigars are a MUST here
And Gangster Mojitos are served because back in the day, this is where the Tony Sopranos hung out
The walls are lined with photos of ALL who have visited
Quite a few

Caught up on the day with my girls.

Lisa, one of our leaders knew where a geocache is hidden so we follow her to find it

7 pm
Back to the hotel to dress for the Tropicana
We cannot wear shorts there
Another 4 minutes to look respectable
Then back to pick up the crew at the National and off we go to dinner at Riomar on the water front

The view here is....ahhhhhh
And the food is delicious!!!

Next stop THE Tropicana
Are you sick of me saying WOW yet?
What a show
The place is PACKED in an outdoor setting

Your next drill is free if you can name that dancer on stage in that line dance

This Achilles is a PITA
It hurts like a batch
12:32 am and I am icing it on our veranda
And discovered that I lost my readers somewhere between dinner and the Tropicana
I need those for paperwork

Perfect temperature tonight

Ah, who is this new face?

The owner of Art Deco house
We had a nice conversation
Before turning in, Louise an I toured the kitchen. We know where everything is now...lol

Finally heading to bed

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