Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Avory Cup: Day 2, Friday

Everything hurts this morning.
All muscles are stiff.
I must hydrate them or today will not be a good day.

I limp out of bed and get myself to breakfast.
I am a creature of habit.
Same Cafe, same meal at breakfast for the duration of the competition.

A slow walk uphill to the Whole Foods and started searching for protein packets.
Found one with a very high gram content; grabbed three of them.
A hand of bananas.
A big jug of chocolate milk.
Water for my salt mix and back down the hill.

Made a chocolaty protein shake and started muscle recovery for play today.

I got picked up at 10 am this time.
4th match on court 18 means I don't have to be at the club so early.
But I do want to be there to support my team.

Court 18 is The Isner court.
He played the longest match in history there.
And I am amped to play on it today.

* I must say it is super cool to be driven through those hallowed gates every morning.

My early arrival gave me time to have some locker room fun.
I asked the ladies for a marker and I made a name tag for my locker.
Seriously, when am I ever going to be in this locker room again?

I watched my teammates play.
Still achy.
Made another chocolaty protein shake.

Fran is playing Anthea on Court 18.
Looks like another tight match. The points are long and well constructed.
I walk around to watch matches.
Court 19 next door: Rick Leach.
Rick has several Grand Slam doubles titles under his belt.

Fran won against Anthea in a tie breaker. Revenge for me.
One match down on 18, two more to go and I am up.

Hey Jersey girls, how about we go find a court to hit on?
Louise, Linda and Bobbie are all up for this idea.
I suggest we try a court overlooking the balcony.
Seems to have less play today.

My girls arrived in their tennis whites today, so opportunity and attire matched.
We walked over to court 8.
Out of view a little. Just in case.
I am a firm believer of apologizing rather than asking and being told no.
I filmed.
Took pictures.
Hit with each.
A joyous, joyous moment on court 8.

Jersey Girls

My captain mentioned he might move matches up, so I left my girls hitting to find out how the rest of the day will play out.
All good.
Still 4th match up.

Walked back to court 8 and suggested we move to that Stadium over there.
The girls were in a point game when I arrived.
That stadium? THE court #2.
We entered at the middle and walked down to the court.
The girls started hitting  again.

More photos.
More video.
And I left them again to watch my teammates play.

My captain David Nash suggested that we don't miss the tour which starts at 230 pm.
So, my match will go on after the tour?
Cool, because I did not want to miss that tour.
I sent a text to the girls to meet me at the members cafeteria.

The tour was awesome.
Started at the doors only Royalty walk through during The Championships.
They lead down a short hallway directly into the Royal Box.

Royal box. Been there more than once.
Broadcast room
Press room.
Practice courts.
This place is HUGE.

I jumped off the tour around 340pm .
Starving and I have to play soon.
As I walked back toward the cafe, my captain caught me and told me I am up on court 17.
17? Aw man, I am so disappointed I won't be playing on 18.

An injury on 17 made it available.
Match on 18 was still going on.

I am familiar with 17.
Practiced there on Wednesday.
It is adjacent to the Wimbledon museum.

I ate 2 bananas.
No time for lunch.

Match started at 405pm.
I played my heart out.
Played like myself.
Served and volleyed.
First serve percentage was high!
No Double Faults!
Could actually hit a cross court forehand.
Struggled with that shot against Anthea.
Lobs worked.
Passes worked.
Wind was much more agreeable.

Very cool to see my Jersey girls on the sideline eating lunch.
Court 17 was Cafe and viewing.
If you don't know yet, I won that match against World #4 Christine French.

My friend Simon was arriving at 710pm.
I had to get ready.

Never saw the locker room this crowded.
Every guest, wife, girlfriend, player was preparing for the awards dinner.
And surprisingly, we were not in each other's way.

Finally collected Simon at the gate.
Introduce him to my girls.
And we cannot find where to go for cocktails.
A long walk to the other side of center court near the museum got us close.
Up stairs.
Take a few shots of some fabulous Art.
And wallah, we made it.

We are all at table 4.

Dinner. Delicious!
IC of GB won The Ted Avory Cup.
We had to leave the trophy with them.

Caroline, a member sitting next to me gave me the low down on joining The All England Club.
It is not as easy as joining one of our Premier clubs.
But it is extremely affordable!

We all said our goodbyes to our new friends.
Hugs. Handshakes.
Back to the locker room for our things.
Singing ala New Orleans funeral march.
Our climb upstairs from South locker room was the slowest I have ever walked to go anywhere.
Wanting to stretch out the inevitable.

My driver was waiting for us again.
So sad to leave this magical place.
Blows Disney away!

We took pics of the gate.
In the dark.
Losers, right?

I said goodbye to the girls at their hotel.
Joy remembering an awesome experience.
Sadness that it is over so soon.
Safe flight tomorrow girls.

I am thinking of heading to Stonehenge tomorrow.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Avory Cup: Day 1, Thursday

I cannot lie in bed anymore.
Too excited.
Up for coffee at my Cafe.
A hearty breakfast.
And a walk uphill for bananas.

Today is why I did Insanity.
Today is why I ran those killer stairs from Main Street to the Wissahickon Station.
Today is why I got friends and students to HIT with me....on a Sunday.

I am super nervous...nothing new on play day.
I got picked up at 9:45am..

Arrived at the club and my Jersey girls were at the top of the steps waiting for me.
So great to see Louise, Linda and Bobbie.
Can't wait to show them around.

Hugs all around and the tour.
I did not want to overwhelm them immediately.
We started at Center Court.
I made sure I gave them the WiFi code so fb check-ins can be done.
We ALL checked in at Center Court.
We were like 4 schoolgirls on a field trip.

Next stop the locker room.
Yes, THE locker room.

I have made friends with the ladies there so, I was like a minor, minor Serena when we walked in..lol

I showed them around.
Hy's Rise!
Court 19 where I will be playing next.
The fabulous views from above court 19.

We shopped in the store.
I bought a cricket hat. Right?
And a mug.
Forgot to get a towel.

At 1:39 pm, I stepped onto court 19 to play.
Fran had just lost in the tie breaker.

For a brief moment looking up and seeing spectators sitting in the top seats next door on court 18 put a silly grin on my face.
Court 18 is where Isner played THE longest match in history.

I am playing the World #1 on court 19.
THE court 19.
The apartment block over looking Hy's Rise is....right there.

I played well at times, amazing at times and downright Whiskey Tango Foxtrot at times.
My serve and volley strategy worked well.
Drop shots worked as well.
The wind swirling and basically messing with me DID NOT WORK WELL.

I hit so many winners (lobs, drops, passes) that were inches out. WIND!

Let me add that I played a member of this club.
She plays here ALL the time.
Knows all the nuances of wind, sun, noises.
She is buying me and my friends a round of drinks tomorrow!
IN the members lounge, behind the Royal Box.

* Team USA lost 12 or so matches today in tight third set tie breakers.
We are playing our hearts out.

Hung out in the locker room a bit.
And on to play doubles around 5pm.

I have never played doubs with Fran before.
No matter. She is bad ass, and I trust her even though she stays back.
And our opponents played her to death.
I was put on ice.
Whenever I touched that ball at net, it was over!
So, they kept it away from me.
A fun match to play though and I overheard a few in the "stands" commenting how good it was for them.

Cocktails and starters had started while we played doubs.
So, off I went to get ready.
My Jersey girls arrived ready.

Let me paint a picture for you.
The South locker room is so comfortable, we spent a great deal of time there.
The ladies caring for us are wonderful. Like good friends, instantly.
The seating is super comfortable.
There is space to move around and not get in the way of others.
You can literally take a shower with 3 of your "closest" friends, it is so large and powerful.
The towels are HUGE and comfy soft.
Not like the small, scratchy ones at your club.
The lighting at the make up mirror is super model, runway show brightness.
Products galore.
So THIS is how the tennis stars live in the South locker room?

I know how I sound.
This is Wimbledon. I am describing Wimbledon.

I finally got ready.
Forgot the belt for this dress but Louise transformed my scarf into a belt and BAM, I was ready.

We had cocktails and dinner above the members cafeteria and takeaway.
And after 2 matches, climbing those stairs to cocktails was painful.
Even though my heels were shorter than the ones I wore last night.

Along the stairway are pictures of past players of notoriety.
Beautiful black and whites ALL the way up the stairs.
11 x 17 photos. Four high. On both sides of the stairway.
A blessing because I could stop often to get a closer look or ooh and ahh and give my calves and feet a rest.

Pims was my cocktail of choice.
A few speeches.
A group photograph.
And delicious food.
Just delicious.
5 star restaurant.

I have worked at a few country clubs.
The food has NEVER been close to this quality. Ever!

Anthea came over to sit with us and chat.
The moon was picture perfect.
The temperature was just right.
A fitting end to a stellar day at Wimbledon.
At the bottom of the stairs I mentioned above are huge pictures of tennis stars.
Under these pictures are two leather club chairs.
Photo op!

Now back to the locker room for our things. Time to get home to prepare for tomorrow.
We were never afraid to leave our belonging anywhere here.
Purses, wallets, electronics all were safe here.
My captain misplaced his file folder with checks from all of our guests.
Found and returned.
In a small fit, I tore my Oakleys off and flung them into the side barrier and forgot them there.
Found and returned.
I could live here.

My driver arrived and I gave the girls a lift to their hotel.
They are in the village of Wimbledon on the way to my little hideaway.

A most delicious day.
My first competitive day at Wimbledon.
Won one. Lost one.
I would not trade today for anything.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Practice at The All England Tennis Club: Wednesday

9:22 am here and I am so excited about HITting today at All England.
Definitely on my bucket list.

I imagine every tennis player dreams of competing there, or just being there to watch our favs play.
I cannot wait, really.

Pick up a few newspapers with the first pics of the future king and pack for my day and night at Wimbledon.

Several friends and students are flying over today and I can't wait to share this awesome experience.
And get them on the grass.
I have visions of running a drill for them.
Can you hear me shouting "do something good with that ball"?
Where can I get 300 balls? And a cart?
Hmmmm, where is the nearest Home Depot?
With the right tools, I can make one in a jiffy. (You should be laughing now because I made my travel cart)
FUGAZI, Ray calls it.

The morning match ups and court assignments arrived early.
Now, I am so super amped up, I can hardly stand myself.

Packed for the day of practice and cocktail party at the home of a member later.
Hope I did not forget anything, like my heels. Lol.

Lots of rules to follow.
Like no sneakers or jeans in the clubhouse.

My driver arrives at 1:45pm.

Did not want to be late like yesterday. So, no train for me today.
We all meet at 230pm, Gate 5. Church Road.

So, I arrive to The All England at 2:05pm and was driven right through the gates. Heaven.
I walked about and breathed in the history.
Took pics.
And just stood in awe of actually being AT Wimbledon.

My friends who live here in the UK arrived. Greeted them and we walked about taking it all in.
Then, I walked to the locker room.
THE locker room.
And chose a locker.
To my surprise, Raymond name tag was still hanging around... My locker is above Lisa's?
A fellow Pa player.
A fellow Middle States player.

I am feeling like I belong here.
No feelings of OMG.

Walking down the hall and seeing all the past champions? So cool.
Imagining that the greats have walked this path I am walking right now? Surreal.
Stepping onto the court with the BIG sign reading Center Court? Wow.

The grass is soft and dry. Not like our moist grass.
And the bounce is a bounce.
Not like our no bounce, skid grass.
I took pics.
I filmed.
My friends took pics.
My friends filmed.
And even though I got the ladies in the locker room to give me the wifi code, I could not log on to post.

I am sitting on tons of footage and loads of film.
I finally got the right code tonight while having cocktails in the players lounge behind the Royal Box.
I was missing the @ in the very complicated code.
So, you will get to see what shots I will take tomorrow.

And by the way, it was way cool to walk out into the Royal Box, see the Ladies final signage still up and take in the Majesty of being there.
The court is being re sod at this time so none of us will get to play there. Sigh!

The cocktail party at the home of one of the members was very nice.
The hour bus ride to that location was well worth it.

I am back home now and almost packed for tomorrow's first day of competition.
I felt very good out there today.
Played 4 singles games and a set of doubles with my partner Fran Chandler.
I am ready.

It's past midnight.
I am second match on court 19 in the morning.
Good night!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

First Practice: Wimbledon Park, Tuesday

Hopped a train to Wimbledon today.
So easy, a tennis pro can do it.

Clapham Junction to Wimbledon.
A lot easier than Velden, Austria to Milan, Italy..the last time I took a train over seas.
I was super excited.
Back pack on and a short walk led me to my platform.
Did my work earlier so I knew where to go and what to do.
Thank you for English vs German.

I did not trip or fall near the gap!

The cabbie I spoke to at Wimbledon told me my walk would be short.
The sign stated 16 minutes.
In reality? 30 minutes. With a heavy back pack.
In hindsight, it was a good workout after all the calories I ate yesterday.
 I basically did nothing yesterday.
Flight recovery. Acclimate.

When I finally arrived to the courts my heart skipped a beat. Seriously, I am so amped.
I spotted my teammates HITting already.
I was greeted by our captain, Dave Nash.
Suited up.
Hellos to my teammates I already know and those new to me.
And started HITting.
Wimbledon Park has synthetic grass courts.
Similar to the courts at beaches.
Fake grass mixed with sand.
Better than nothing...tomorrow real grass at THE Wimbledon.

I played well. Moved better at the end of our practice when I grabbed my doubles partner Fran to run some cross court drills with me...
I left feeling like myself.

I can't seem to load video here, so I will try to load some on my You Tube channel : Hy Yorke...
Be patient. Loading a minute of vid takes forever.

Train ride back "home" was just as awesome as my ride to Wimbledon.
I am sitting in my found Cafe sipping a smoothie, watching the world go by and writing this.
More tomorrow.
Enjoy what is left of Tuesday.

SW19: First 24 hours.

Finally in London to compete at The All England Club against the best of Great Britain in the Avory Cup.
I will try to keep up with this blog to keep you in the loop since you could not join in on the fun.

Uneventful flight from Philly to Toronto. Waited on the tarmac for an hour before takeoff.
Visions of green grass dancing in my head.
Then a tight connection to London.
I ran to my connection like I was chasing down one of Roy's drop shots.

Made it...My luggage did not.

I am excited and nervous about playing.
Nothing new.
I would be worried if I was not.

I booked a hotel away from the courts to be a part of the scene.
Good choice.
I have everything at my fingertips vs staying in the team hotel.

Food is delicious at the Café next door. With free WiFi...thank God because one has to buy WiFi in this country.

Wimby busses pass by every 25 minutes or so.
Quite a treat for me, considering.

Suffered a small panic attack in my very hot room.
NO air conditioning. The room started to close in on me.
I managed to work through it as I would being down 5-4, on serve...lol
Seriously, I was almost down for the count.

Front desk brought me a fan and just the simple circulation of air has helped me win that set.

Stoked to be here for the birth of the future king. Lost money though because I bet on a girl being born.

Finally slept soundly for a good 6-7 hours.
And feel human this morning.

My luggage has arrived.
Practice is at 2pm today. Pumped.
Rain has stopped. It would not be London without rain this time of year.

Breakfast was delish.
Coffee is strong like my voice telling you to MOVE.
Just the way I like it.

10:45 am here.
I landed at 10:15 am yesterday.

I have to make my electrolite solution.
Buy some bananas at the Whole Foods.
And sort out the train schedule to Wimbledon to practice today.
More later.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Last HIT before SW19

Click link below

Take pleasure in the fact that I am exhausted at this point.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Guest List: SW19

Attention. Attention.

 If you are coming to watch the matches at The All England Club, you must be on my guest list.
 So, if you are trying to surprise me, sorry to spoil your fun.
 Please shoot me an email or text and I will handle my end.
 See you across the pond.