Saturday, July 27, 2013

Avory Cup: Day 1, Thursday

I cannot lie in bed anymore.
Too excited.
Up for coffee at my Cafe.
A hearty breakfast.
And a walk uphill for bananas.

Today is why I did Insanity.
Today is why I ran those killer stairs from Main Street to the Wissahickon Station.
Today is why I got friends and students to HIT with me....on a Sunday.

I am super nervous...nothing new on play day.
I got picked up at 9:45am..

Arrived at the club and my Jersey girls were at the top of the steps waiting for me.
So great to see Louise, Linda and Bobbie.
Can't wait to show them around.

Hugs all around and the tour.
I did not want to overwhelm them immediately.
We started at Center Court.
I made sure I gave them the WiFi code so fb check-ins can be done.
We ALL checked in at Center Court.
We were like 4 schoolgirls on a field trip.

Next stop the locker room.
Yes, THE locker room.

I have made friends with the ladies there so, I was like a minor, minor Serena when we walked

I showed them around.
Hy's Rise!
Court 19 where I will be playing next.
The fabulous views from above court 19.

We shopped in the store.
I bought a cricket hat. Right?
And a mug.
Forgot to get a towel.

At 1:39 pm, I stepped onto court 19 to play.
Fran had just lost in the tie breaker.

For a brief moment looking up and seeing spectators sitting in the top seats next door on court 18 put a silly grin on my face.
Court 18 is where Isner played THE longest match in history.

I am playing the World #1 on court 19.
THE court 19.
The apartment block over looking Hy's Rise is....right there.

I played well at times, amazing at times and downright Whiskey Tango Foxtrot at times.
My serve and volley strategy worked well.
Drop shots worked as well.
The wind swirling and basically messing with me DID NOT WORK WELL.

I hit so many winners (lobs, drops, passes) that were inches out. WIND!

Let me add that I played a member of this club.
She plays here ALL the time.
Knows all the nuances of wind, sun, noises.
She is buying me and my friends a round of drinks tomorrow!
IN the members lounge, behind the Royal Box.

* Team USA lost 12 or so matches today in tight third set tie breakers.
We are playing our hearts out.

Hung out in the locker room a bit.
And on to play doubles around 5pm.

I have never played doubs with Fran before.
No matter. She is bad ass, and I trust her even though she stays back.
And our opponents played her to death.
I was put on ice.
Whenever I touched that ball at net, it was over!
So, they kept it away from me.
A fun match to play though and I overheard a few in the "stands" commenting how good it was for them.

Cocktails and starters had started while we played doubs.
So, off I went to get ready.
My Jersey girls arrived ready.

Let me paint a picture for you.
The South locker room is so comfortable, we spent a great deal of time there.
The ladies caring for us are wonderful. Like good friends, instantly.
The seating is super comfortable.
There is space to move around and not get in the way of others.
You can literally take a shower with 3 of your "closest" friends, it is so large and powerful.
The towels are HUGE and comfy soft.
Not like the small, scratchy ones at your club.
The lighting at the make up mirror is super model, runway show brightness.
Products galore.
So THIS is how the tennis stars live in the South locker room?

I know how I sound.
This is Wimbledon. I am describing Wimbledon.

I finally got ready.
Forgot the belt for this dress but Louise transformed my scarf into a belt and BAM, I was ready.

We had cocktails and dinner above the members cafeteria and takeaway.
And after 2 matches, climbing those stairs to cocktails was painful.
Even though my heels were shorter than the ones I wore last night.

Along the stairway are pictures of past players of notoriety.
Beautiful black and whites ALL the way up the stairs.
11 x 17 photos. Four high. On both sides of the stairway.
A blessing because I could stop often to get a closer look or ooh and ahh and give my calves and feet a rest.

Pims was my cocktail of choice.
A few speeches.
A group photograph.
And delicious food.
Just delicious.
5 star restaurant.

I have worked at a few country clubs.
The food has NEVER been close to this quality. Ever!

Anthea came over to sit with us and chat.
The moon was picture perfect.
The temperature was just right.
A fitting end to a stellar day at Wimbledon.
At the bottom of the stairs I mentioned above are huge pictures of tennis stars.
Under these pictures are two leather club chairs.
Photo op!

Now back to the locker room for our things. Time to get home to prepare for tomorrow.
We were never afraid to leave our belonging anywhere here.
Purses, wallets, electronics all were safe here.
My captain misplaced his file folder with checks from all of our guests.
Found and returned.
In a small fit, I tore my Oakleys off and flung them into the side barrier and forgot them there.
Found and returned.
I could live here.

My driver arrived and I gave the girls a lift to their hotel.
They are in the village of Wimbledon on the way to my little hideaway.

A most delicious day.
My first competitive day at Wimbledon.
Won one. Lost one.
I would not trade today for anything.

1 comment:

  1. You are a magnificent competitor! A wonderful mentor, and a most precious friend. Thank you for allowing us to participate and cheer you and your fabulous teammates, and the Brits! This is what competition is all hard, compete well, and enjoy every nuance of the game.
    Your most humble student and friend.
