Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Recovery 2

I am recovering well after my Sears Cup play.

Rest helped a lot.
Protein loading helped a lot.
I drank a gallon of water yesterday.

The hot bath-cold bath thing did not work for me. I am a warm shower person. Cold does not compute.

I am already suffering. Cold water is extra suffering. I choose not to suffer.

I have been asleep by 8pm.
So I am getting loads of sleep.

AND I have been sipping on Pedialite to replace my electrolites.

The fruit flavor is my favorite.

Monday, June 28, 2010


10 Ways To Recover Quickly After Tennis

"There are as many methods of recovery as there are athletes. The following are some of the most commonly recommended by the experts.

1. Rest. Time is one of the best ways to recover (or heal) from just about any illness or injury and this also works after a hard match. Your body has an amazing capacity to take care of itself if you allow it some time. Resting and waiting after a hard match allows the repair and recovery process to happen at a natural pace. It's not the only thing you can or should do to promote recovery, but sometimes doing nothing is the easiest thing to do.

2. Stretch. If you only do one thing after a tough match, consider gentle stretching. This is a simple and fast way to help your muscles recover.

3. Cool Down. Cooling down simply means slowing down (not stopping completely) after exercise. Continuing to move around at a very low intensity for 5 to 10 minutes after a match helps remove lactic acid from your muscles and may reduce muscles stiffness. warming up and cooling down are more helpful in cooler temperatures or when you have another exercise session or an event later the same day.

4. Eat Properly. After depleting your energy stores with tennis matches, you need to refuel if you expect your body to recover, repair tissues, get stronger and be ready for the next challenge. This is even more important if you are performing endurance exercise day after day or trying to build muscle. Ideally, you should try to eat within 60 minutes of the end of your match and make sure you include some high-quality protein and complex carbohydrate.

5. Replace Fluids. You lose a lot of fluid during exercise and ideally, you should be replacing it during exercise, but filling up after exercise is an easy way to boost your recovery. Water supports every metabolic function and nutrient transfer in the body and having plenty of water will improve every bodily function. Adequate fluid replacement is even more important for endurance athletes who lose large amounts of water during hours of sweating.

6. Try Active Recovery. Easy, gentle movement improves circulation which helps promote nutrient and waste product transport throughout the body. In theory, this helps the muscles repair and refuel faster.

7. Have a Massage. Massage feels good and improves circulation while allowing you to fully relax. You can also try self-massage and Foam Roller Exercises for Easing Tight Muscles and avoid the heavy sports massage price tag.

8. Alternate Hot and Cold Baths or Showers. Some athletes swear by ice baths, ice massage or alternating hot and cold showers to recover faster, reduce muscle soreness and prevent injury. The theory behind this method called contract water therapy is that by repeatedly constricting and dilating blood vessels helps remove (or flush out) waste products in the tissues. Limited research has found some benefits of contrast water therapy at reducing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). How to use contrast water therapy: While taking your post-tennis shower, alternate 2 minutes of hot water with 30 seconds of cold water. Repeat four times with a minute of moderate temperatures between each hot-cold spray. If you happen to have a spa with hot and cold tubs available, you can take a plunge in each for the same time.

9. Get Lots of Sleep. While you sleep, amazing things are taking place in your body. Optimal sleep is essential for anyone who exercises regularly. During sleep, your body produces Growth Hormone (GH) which is largely responsible for tissue growth and repair.

10. Avoid Overtraining. One simple way to recovery faster is by designing a smart tennis routine in the first place. Excessive exercise, heavy training at every session or a lack of rest days will limit your fitness gains from exercise and undermine your recovery efforts. Listen to Your Body for a Faster Recovery. The most important thing you can do to recovery quickly is to listen to your body. If you are feeling tired, sore or notice decreased performance you may need more recovery time or a break from training altogether. If you are feeling strong the day after a hard workout, you don't have to force yourself to go slow. If you pay attention, in most cases, your body will let you know what it needs, when it needs it. The problem for many of us is that we don't listen to those warnings or we dismiss them with our own self talk ("I can't be tired, I didn't play my best yesterday" or "No one else needs two rest days after that workout; they'll think I'm a wimp if I go slow today.")."

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sears Cup:day 2

Hip Separation.

You cannot play tennis well if your shoulder and hips do not separate.

In our pre match warm up yesterday, I did something to tweek my right hip...the bad hip.

I guess 5 sets on Friday did it in.

I told my teammates, but did not let on to my opponent.

I lost the first set in a tiebreaker 7-5. Doing the very best I can with this hip hurting.

Late in the first set I hit a drop shot that my opponent chased and missed doing a Kim Cljisters split. I learned as I helped her up that she has a slipped disc. "Information" to use later.

I won the second set 6-3.

She was awesome though. She hit some drop shots I could not get to with this hip.

Third set. 4-4. 5-4 down, I had 3 opportunities to volley winners to even the score. I could not get my fast feet moving to get out of the way to hit a proper volley. Lost that set 6-4.

My #6 player only wanted to play doubles so I was down 1 match to start. Only Vincenza won in singles.
We went out to doubles down 5-1.

I sat out for doubles. Hips don't lie.

Mary Beth and Vin lost
Darcy and Ashlee lost in 3 sets.
Luca and Gabi won

When the day of play was done it looked like this.

New England: winner of the cup
Eastern: second
Mid Atlantic: third
Middle States: fourth.

All matches were 5-4 except for our match today at 7-2.

Very high level tennis weekend.

My upHill FIT club has helped me tremendously. I was "never" winded. Grass is a high movement, massive footwork game. Serve and volley. Stretch for balls. Chase lobs.
I felt like the energizer bunny rabbit.

If only my hip was up to par.

I don't think I can play and win 7 singles matches in the grass Nationals starting on July 12.

This hip has to be able to possibly play 3 set matches "every day".

Maybe I can play doubles only in that tournament?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sears Cup:Day 1

What a beautiful, sunny day yesterday for tennis on grass.

Captain's meeting got on the way @ 930am. The usual....my players are better than your players so I should be seeded higher than you.

It rained Friday night...storm really and the grass was not ready for play untill 10am.

By the time we all got out there dragging our BIG back pack racket bags we did not start competing untill 11am.

New England seeded #1
Middle States seeded #2
Eastern seeded #3
Mid Atlantic seeded #4

Eastern plays Middle States (us)
New England plays Mid Atlantic

Gorgeous day.
I am in heaven.

Grass is my favorite surface though I play on it only 3 times a year. Sears Cup, the grass Nationals and my "play Hy on grass" event.

Anyone asking me to hit with them on grass? I am there. No questions asked. I am ready, willing and able.

My #1 player Mary Beth Williams just won the World's 35's Doubles Championship in Mexico City. And is #4 in the USA.

I am at #2. Won a few tournaments here and there. Only 6 time USTA Grass National Champion.

Vincenza Massaro is my #3 player. Vinny has played on the WTA tour and we have a Doubles National Championship. Win together.

Darcy Rabenda is my #4 player. Darc played at Palmer Academy, a premier tennis academy and on Temple University's Varsity team.

Monika Waniek is my #
5 player. Monika was the National champion of Poland and several wins in the USA.

Patty Kinghorn is my #6 player. Patty and her mom have 5 USTA National Mother-Daughter Championship wins. That's 5 gold balls.

We all want gold tennis balls. I have many, not only for grass wins but, hard court wins and hartru wins. And in singles and doubles.

If you have been reading my blog you know of my neck problem. Serving and overheads aggravate it. The almost 90% angle the head tilts to serve and smash can really hurt over time. Almost like a whip lash sort of feeling.

Well, today after 5 sets, no neck pain.

Middle States tied the singles 3-3 going into doubles.

Vin and Mary Beth lost.
Luca and Gabi won in no time flat.
Darcy and I lost the first set 6-3. Won the second 6-4 and blasted off to a 5-0 lead in the 3rd. Only to have 2 OVA's play out of their mind to come back to 5-5. Then 6-5. 6-6. Tiebreaker. Again they blast off to a 6-1 lead. We came back playing some spectacular doubles all the way to 6-4. They beat us 7-4.
And the opportunity to play for the cup today.

I cannot get upset.
I won my singles (beat an OVA) and lost doubles in 3 sets.

I had major surgery in 2007
I slowly recovered and got my competitive spirit and fitness back. Now I am finally competing at a higher intensity level than pre surgery.

I am back and cannot wait for more.

If you can come cheer, we start singles play @ 1030 am and Doubles play after lunch.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Sears Cup 2010

I am the captain of the Sears Cup team again this year.

This competition has been ongoing on grass courts since 1929 between four tennis sections. New England, New York, Mid Atlantic and Middle States.

The best post college, female players compete for a beautiful silver Cup.

We will be at Merion Cricket Club on Montgomery Avenue in Haverford, Pa today and tomorrow.

Singles start at 1030am.
Doubles start at 1pm.

If you get a chance you should come out to "the" premier grass court club on the East Coast to see some great tennis.

We play a tiebreaker in the deciding set so there will not be an Isner-Mahut marathon match for you to sit through.

Mary Beth Williams
Vincenza Massaro
Ashlee Vosters
Darcy Rabenda
Patty Kinghorn
Monika Waniek
Luca Somorjai
Gabi Collard and I, would love your support.

If you have never played on grass courts sign up for my "play Hy on grass" fundraiser to support childhood cancer research, held on the last Sunday of July at Philadelphia Cricket Club in Chestnut Hill.

Round Robin, drills, tennis memorabilia and fun.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mahut vs Isner

Mahut. 4 6 7 6 59
Isner. 6 3 6 7 59

OMG. Insanity of a 5th set,

First round match at Wimbledon.

I am at Ashe Tennis Center with the teaching crew and kids doing commentary in the library.

Awesome tennis.
Awesome fitness.

It was 35-34 when I entered the library. Its 56-55 now.

Isner is bent over 9 hours 30 minutes into it. Mahut is bouncing around.
My money is on Mahut.
The whole library is on my case because Isner is an American. Like I am not? So I am only an American for 4 years now. And in this country, I can choose whatever side I want right?

96 aces in this set alone.

It's 56-57 now

Come on Mahut. Drop shot Isner.

I cannot understand why Mahut keeps banging balls. Drop shot him. He is tired. Beat down. Exhausted.

Think. Think. They are both so tired, their brain is not working. Its caveman strategy now. Hit him with the club harder even though he is dead.
Isner serving at 58-58
He has no footwork left.

It's 9:01 pm in London as I write this. 4pm in the US.

58-59 Mahut serving

59-59. Match suspended because of darkness.

I hope my brain works better than those two on grass this weekend. I am playing Sears Cup at Merion Cricket Club. If you want to see the best ladies in New York, New England, Mid Atlantic and Middle States compete, come out to cheer.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hy% tennis

I have been playing and teaching tennis since the Himalayas were at sea level.

My success is not based on prodigy or height. It is based on playing high percentage tennis, massive footwork and superior tactics

Players short in stature have to come up with different "goods" than other players.

Tall players can hit down. They can look above the net to see the service line and base line. We shorties have to hit up and look through the net to see the lines. Unless we are at the net.

So, hy% tennis is a must.

That means hitting cross court. The court is longer and the net is lower.

That means stop trying to hit a 2" line. Direct your ball 3-4 feet from the line. If you miss that target you will still be in the court.

That means placing your serves to their weakness even if it is the most boring thing you have ever done

That means well measured lobs. Not to hit the line behind your opponent, but to
get them off the net while you advance into a better position to finish the point.

Hy% tennis is a cat and mouse game.

Hy% tennis is a tactical and practical game.

Hy% tennis is a chess game of massive brain involvement.

If you all trained it and used it, your success in your league and tournament matches would rise significantly.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

5point0, 4point5, 4point0

What does it all mean anyway?

Well, I am going to tell you.

The 5.0's think they are the cats meow and won't hit with the 4.0's

The 4.5's think they are 5.0.
The 5.0's aren't hearing any of it.

The 4.0's will never hit with a 3.0.

The 3.0's think they are really 3.5
The 3.5's won't ever hit with a 3.0

Still unclear?

Well, let me break it down a little for you....
If you are faster than a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, and more powerful than a locomotive, you are SUPERMAN, right?

Same idea with the numbers above. Each number means a player is able to perform with grace and precision certain tennis skills.

Many players are unable to perform certain skills, yet say they are a high number.

The number means everything.
The number becomes a tennis player's identity. And THAT causes a whole lot of problems on league teams.

National Tennis Rating Program

Here are the general characteristics of each "number"

1.5 You have limited experience and are working primarily on getting the ball in play.

2.0 You lack court experience and your strokes need developing.  You are familiar with the basic positions for singles and doubles play.

2.5 You are learning to judge where the ball is going, although your court coverage is limited.  You can sustain a short rally of slow pace with other players of the same ability.

3.0 You are fairly consistent when hitting medium-paced shots, but are not comfortable with all strokes and lack execution when trying for directional control, depth, or power. Your most common doubles formation is one-up, one-back.

3.5 You have achieved improved stroke dependability with directional control on moderate shots, but need to develop depth and variety. You exhibit more aggressive net play, have improved court coverage and are developing teamwork in doubles.

4.0 You have dependable strokes, including directional control and depth on both forehand and backhand sides on moderate-paced shots.  You can use lobs, overheads, approach shots and volleys with some success and occasionally force errors when serving. Rallies may be lost due to impatience. Teamwork in doubles is evident.

4.5 You have developed your use of power and spin and can handle pace. You have sound footwork, can control depth of shots, and attempt to vary game plan according to your opponents.  You can hit first serves with power and accuracy and place the second serve.  You tend to overhit on difficult shots. Aggressive net play is common in doubles.

5.0 You have good shot anticipation and frequently have an outstanding shot or attribute around which a game may be structured.  You can regularly hit winners or force errors off of short balls and can put away volleys.  You can successfully execute lobs, drop shots, half volleys, overhead smashes, and have good depth and spin on most second serves.

5.5 You have mastered power and/or consistency as a major weapon. You can vary strategies and styles of play in a competitive situation and hit dependable shots in a stress situation.

6.0 to 7.0 You have had intensive training for national tournament competition at the junior and collegiate levels and have obtained a sectional and/or national ranking.

7.0 You are a world-class player

Many players read the characteristics and place themselves at a higher number because one time, 3 months ago a shot was hit that satisfied a requirement. That is not how it is supposed to work.

You must be able to leap tall buildings not once, but "all the time". Or you are NOT Superman.....

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Beach Tennis

As I sit on the steps of my club waiting for Operations to open the building, I am thinking of a beach.

The sun.
The sand.
The sounds.
The smells.
The boards.
The seafood.

Oh, yes....beach tennis.


It is the Hottest Sport on Sand: Take the fun and fast-paced sport of tennis... combine it with the sun, sea and sand of the beach... and you have beach tennis, the most electrifying new sport to hit the U.S.

Beach tennis merges the worlds of tennis and beach volleyball into one exciting sport.

It can be played both competitively and recreationally and because it’s so simple to play, it appeals to athletes and non-athletes of all ages. So what exactly is beach tennis? It’s like regular tennis except it’s played on a regulation beach volleyball court.

Using beach tennis paddles, two players on each team volley back and forth, hitting a slightly depressurized tennis ball directly over the net without letting it bounce... it’s hard to make the ball bounce on sand! One hit per team is all that’s allowed.

Your team scores a point each time your opponents hit the ball outside the lines or let it hit the sand.

Fun. Fun. Fun.

Bare footed or sneaks. Your choice.

Who wants in?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Nobody stopped me...

Today, I ran a round robin tournament for the Future Stars program kids.

Starting at 2 pm, 27 players walked out on courts to try to win a $50 gift certificate to Fromuth Tennis. A nice prize indeed.

When I arrived to the club, a HUGE BBQ was getting started. Matt and Kim were on the grills...Yes, you read grills. Food was everywhere. Coolers were brimming with water, juices of all brands, sodas of all sizes. Hot dogs, hamburgers, sausages, potatos from Jenny's family....delicious, salad (greens), salad (fruit), and desserts too. I am sure I have left out some items because I was busy herding my players.

And it was hotter than the hinges of hell today....

Every round my players were on court, I was at the "feeding stations" loading up my plate.

Now, I am sure you know that for over a year now, I have been on a raw eating plan, meaning that I eat nothing from a grill, oven, microwave or stovetop. Nothing cooked. Well, I cheated today. The show "cheaters" would have me so "busted" today. I ate like I was pre-menstral.....ummm....I AM NOT. It was all so tasty. I could not help myself.

Throughout the day, while I ate like a pig, no one stopped me. No one said, 'Coach Hy, you should not eat that should you?'

No one said, 'don't have any more, you are done'

No one said , 'what are you doing, are you ok?' 'Why are you eating like that?'

Thanks a lot people.....

Now I have to run my hill faster and longer to detox that nasty stuff I put in today.

Do you have any idea how long that crap will stay with me?
Do you have any idea how long it takes to digest sausage?
Do you have any idea how long it takes to 'get rid" of nasty foods?..

Today is Saturday, I will let you know when:
the sausage
the hotdogs
the chicken thigh
the potato from Peru
the doritoes ranch flavor
leaves me never to return....

I am playing Sears Cup next week. On grass. My favorite surface. Foods I ate today does not help my cause. It has been hard enough to get to my hill with my 12 hour days, now I MUST get there or suffer the consequences......

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

12 hour days

My "summer" has become a string of 12 hour days and no time to get to my hill. I am just too wiped out at 9pm at night to beat that hill down.

I am bummed out. Have not been to my hill in 2 days. And probably won't get to it today either.

Though my tennis is good.
I miss my Hill.

Go out and run a hill for me. Then shoot me an email about how good you feel. I want to live vicariously.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Beer is not considered a carbohydrate for a start/stop activity like tennis.

Do not kid yourself.

I know what is in that red cooler on your changeovers.

You are just dehydrating yourself.

Clever idea but it will not help you.
Put water in that cooler. Or Juice. Or a protein shake. Or Pedialite. Not the clear one, it tastes like flavored spit.
Try orange or grape.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Mobility trumps Ability

I will expound later. Do give the header some thought though.

Those with superior footwork will make better use of their bodywork and racketwork.

I do not win because I have superior strokes or strength.
I win because I can get to the ball better to set my body to use my racket to win.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Training Day

Today is the perfect day to get out and get your body ready for your next match.

Jump rope



Hike any of our small to large hills.....Mount Misery is a good one..

Find a school wall to hit some tennis balls

Phone a friend, book a court and get out to hit some tennis balls

Get my drift?

See you at the club...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Are you going to get any better, or is this it?

What are you doing to improve your technical skills?

What are you doing to improve your tactics?

What are you doing to improve your footwork?

What are you doing to improve your fitness? Ahh, dirty word, right?

How do you practice?

Do you practice?

Are you too good to take a lesson?

I know, the word "lesson" is a slur to most 4.0 and above players. That is why you will stay at "that" level and lose to those below that level.

How about the word "train"?
Is that better?

Do you believe you cannot get any better? Well, stop that negative thinking.

Let's look at the players you look up to. Federer, Nadal, Serena, Venus, Sampras, Navratolova, Agassi, Henin, Hy (just checking if you are still reading)

Do you think they just showed up at the US Open with a water bottle in hand and won?

All those players above train, practice, "take a lesson", have someone take a look at them playing to make sure footwork, bodywork and racket work is up to par.

When you step up to that center mark to deliver your serve or send back a return, will you be up to par?

Find a pro.
Book a training session.

It's time to get better.

It's never too late.

Friday, June 11, 2010

US Open Trip

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pick up Locations:

1. Old Mercer Indoor Center
2. The Westin Princeton

$125 per person


US Open tickets (grounds and stadium access)

Round Trip transportation on STARR Tours Luxury Coach

Gourmet breakfast, snacks and beverages

Call 609-341-1698 to register.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Super Senior Tennis Players

Super Senior tennis players are the most underserved population in tennis. Yet the largest population.

Hy Intensity Tennis serves all seniors.

Sometimes 15 minutes is all a senior can handle. And heart rate is way up.

Players get a good work out and leave us sweating, smiling and eager to come back next week.

We use balloons, spongie tennis balls, transition tennis balls and real tennis balls. From service box as a court to half court to full court.

No stone is left unturned to give that super senior a good workout.

*some day, I too will be a super senior.

I hope there are:
Five tennis programs
Four different time slots
Two pros working with seniors
And a low price to pay

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer Camp Season

That time of year is here again........Summer Camp.

Send the kids out of your house all day to tennis camp.

9am to 4pm. Monday to Friday.

Adult Camp runs every Sunday from 9am to 12pm.

See you on my court.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Raaaaaa Faaaaaa

Fabulous tennis yesterday.

I hate to say this over and over however, FITness wins. Every time.

Soderling looked tired and un fit. Footwork was shoddy. He just stopped believing after the first set. And stopped moving efficiently.

I am not too fond of Rafa's "split hits".This open stance, squash tennis strokes. NOT ANATOMICALLY CORRECT therefore injury will be occur.

Oh, you will win. Big tournaments, but your playing life will be short. And painful.

Is it worth it?

Don't you want to play when you are 80? Well, stop the open stance BS shots. Get fit and get into position to hit your shots.

Open stance is lazy tennis. It places the muscles in an un natural position. With a lot of force. Over and over again.

Try going to the gym and lifting the iron with poor form. What happens?

You hurt yourself.

That open stance BS stroke will harm you if you do it wrong.


I know this is a little like a rant. I can't look at lousy footwork and lousy technique any more.

** when you get hurt, call me. I know a superior PT.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bike Race today...

The bike race in Philadelphia has taken over my hills.

I have to find a new upHILL to run today.....

PS. Walking uphill in flip flops does wonders for the calves. I discovered that today....

Burn notice...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Stosur in 3, part Deau

Sunday morning UPDATE:

Thank goodness I did not make any bets on this one...

Friday, June 4, 2010

The itch is over

Women's tennis is a series of last names that end in "itch", "ick" and "ova".

Kuznetsova and Ivanovic

Good luck trying to pronounce some of those names.

Well, you can stop itching. The itch is over. It's Stosur and Schiavone in the finals of the 2010 French Open.

Schiavone and Stosur. Two new names baby. New blood to the battlefield of already red.

Both have never been in the finals of a major before so we are all in for a treat.

What I don't like is hearing some players remarking that Samantha Stosur plays like a man.

Who should she play like, Betty White?

Because she is fitter than fit and hits the be jesus out of the ball and runs around her backhand and has superior footwork, she plays like a man?

Is that like saying the business woman who runs her company to brilliant success is a bitch?

Every female tennis pro has a male hitting partner so each of them know what a strong, heavy, deep shot feels like....right?

I have never heard Mary Carillo or Patrick Mc Enroe remark that any of these pros have a female hitting partner......that's an issue I will address at another time.....

Are you telling me that their male hitting partners don't hit as hard or have superior footwork like Stosur?

Whose fault is that?

The era of fat, slow, soft(read fat) women winning at professional tennis is OVA.

Remember Martina Navratilova? She and Samantha Stosur have a lot in common.

Martina changed the game to "the fittest will win". That was years ago. The ball has traveled full circle. To Stosur.

Thank you Samantha.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Princeton Tennis Classic

Today I play mixed doubles with David Goodman in the Princeton Tennis Classic to help raise money for the Princeton Tennis Program.

This event is in it's 25th year.

Tennis competition starts at 9am. Mixed starts at 11am.

All matches will be played at Community Park and Veteran's Park in Princeton, New Jersey.

If you are near by, stop to see some good tennis and maybe make a small donation to the cause.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I dont have to eat my hat

Stosur made that happen for me. By beating Serena 8-6 in the third.

Thank you Sammie.

Though I like vodka sauce and pesto and the red sauce at Bella Tratoria, that hat would not have tasted good.

Those of you who bet me yesterday, it's time to pay up. You know who you are.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Stosur in 3

I am going to say it here in print. If I am wrong I will eat my hat.

Samantha Stosur will take Serena....in three sets.

Federer fell on the red clay.
So anything is possible.

When I find a picture of "my hat", I will post it.