Saturday, June 19, 2010

Nobody stopped me...

Today, I ran a round robin tournament for the Future Stars program kids.

Starting at 2 pm, 27 players walked out on courts to try to win a $50 gift certificate to Fromuth Tennis. A nice prize indeed.

When I arrived to the club, a HUGE BBQ was getting started. Matt and Kim were on the grills...Yes, you read grills. Food was everywhere. Coolers were brimming with water, juices of all brands, sodas of all sizes. Hot dogs, hamburgers, sausages, potatos from Jenny's family....delicious, salad (greens), salad (fruit), and desserts too. I am sure I have left out some items because I was busy herding my players.

And it was hotter than the hinges of hell today....

Every round my players were on court, I was at the "feeding stations" loading up my plate.

Now, I am sure you know that for over a year now, I have been on a raw eating plan, meaning that I eat nothing from a grill, oven, microwave or stovetop. Nothing cooked. Well, I cheated today. The show "cheaters" would have me so "busted" today. I ate like I was pre-menstral.....ummm....I AM NOT. It was all so tasty. I could not help myself.

Throughout the day, while I ate like a pig, no one stopped me. No one said, 'Coach Hy, you should not eat that should you?'

No one said, 'don't have any more, you are done'

No one said , 'what are you doing, are you ok?' 'Why are you eating like that?'

Thanks a lot people.....

Now I have to run my hill faster and longer to detox that nasty stuff I put in today.

Do you have any idea how long that crap will stay with me?
Do you have any idea how long it takes to digest sausage?
Do you have any idea how long it takes to 'get rid" of nasty foods?..

Today is Saturday, I will let you know when:
the sausage
the hotdogs
the chicken thigh
the potato from Peru
the doritoes ranch flavor
leaves me never to return....

I am playing Sears Cup next week. On grass. My favorite surface. Foods I ate today does not help my cause. It has been hard enough to get to my hill with my 12 hour days, now I MUST get there or suffer the consequences......

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