Friday, May 28, 2010

Aerobic Endurance Training

I have been barking about being FIT to HIT since I used to play with a wooden racket.

Here are some types of aerobic endurance training I like to do to stay "in the game"

Type 1:
LONG, SLOW DISTANCE. 1-2 times per week for 30- 120 minutes. Now, I must admit I have NEVER lasted for 2 hours unless I was roller blading with friends. On a sunny Sunday afternoon with a few stops for icecream at Dilly's Corner and a burger at Meil's.

You will improve cardiovascular function and use more fat for fuel.

Type 2
PACE/TEMPO. 1-2 times per week for 20-30 minutes. This is more my time line. And pace/tempo improves energy production from both the aerobic and anaerobic source.

Type 3
INTERVAL. 1-2 times per week. 3-5 minute intervals. Start the feed and try to keep that one ball going for 3-5 minutes. At noon on a hot, sunny day wearing your "play Hy on grass" sweatshirt. Yeah!

Type 4
REPETITION. Once per week. 30-90 second interval. Get the ball machine plugged in or have your pro feed you some patterns. Hitting the wall or a back board works well too. There is a school near me that has "the" perfect wall. The Principal has asked me to stop my noise a couple of times.

Type 5
FARTLEK. Once per weeek 20-60 minutes. I like this endurance type a lot. All you have to do is start out with a long, slow run combined with a short burst of hy intensity sprint as far as you can get then start your long, slow run again. I like to do this upHill. Lauriston is my favorite street to Fartlek.

Today is my Fartlek day.....before it rains again...

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